Foto de xiscalina yular

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Born in Mallorca (Spain) in 1986. She has a Degree in Mathematics by the “Universitat de Barcelona” always combining it with arts.

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¡Mira todo lo que te ofrecemos!
19.69 x 33.46 in
29.53 x 13.78 in
15.75 x 27.56 in
19.69 x 29.53 in
19.69 x 29.53 in
29.53 x 15.75 in
31.50 x 15.75 in
33.46 x 39.37 in
37.40 x 39.37 in
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Personal information

Born in Mallorca (Spain) in 1986. She has a Degree in Mathematics by the “Universitat de Barcelona” always combining it with arts.

During her career, she has made by herself different projects about maths of music and about mathematical photography for several important institutions as the “Generalitat de Catalunya” or the “Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa”.

In 2006 she founded Onomatopeyaka Photo Studio with Guillermo Moreno.

She studied piano in the High College of Music in Mallorca for ten years, painting in private schools since she was a child and photography in many colleges (Ruido Photo, Instituto Portugues de Fotografia...). She has participated too in workshops of theater, dance and yoga.


Painting exhibitions

    • 2011: CARA A CARA with Guille Moreno Mirallas. Colective exhibition in 1307 Fillmore Gallery during the Fillmore Jazz Festival of San Francisco (California, USA)

    • 2011: CARA A CARA with Guille Moreno Mirallas. Individual exhibition in L’ACHÉ Gallery (Guadalajara, México)

    • 2010: Individual exhibition in Sa Cova Gallery (Mallorca, Spain)

    • 2009: Collective exhibition in Can Manresa Gallery (Mallorca, Spain)

Photo exhibitions

    • 2010: Individual exhibition in PIJ s\'Horta (BCN, Spain)

    • 2010: Collective exhibition in Untitled Gallery (BCN, Spain)

    • 2010: Collective exhibition in Hemisferio Sur (Zaragoza, Spain)

    • 2008: Onomatopeyaka exhibition in Recasens (BCN, Spain)

    • 2007: Onomatopeyaka exhibition in Sa Cova Gallery (Mallorca, Spain)

    • 2007: Onomatopeyaka exhibition in Guixot (BCN, Spain)

    • 2007: Onomatopeyaka exhibition in Es Passadis (BCN, Spain)

    • 2006: Onomatopeyaka exhibition in Lola Mora (BCN, Spain)

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